Logica Matrix is the partner of choice for many of the world’s leading enterprises, SMEs and technology challengers. We help businesses elevate their value through custom software development, product design, QA and consultancy services.
Through our 15+ years of Tally Expertise, we are able to successfully serve the customers without hassle. We realise that Tally ERP 9 is the backbone of every company & we had decided to partner with them and see them grow from one branch to multiple branches & factories.A business continuity support system for your organisation from a team of experts who knows Tally Best. We ensure our support even beyond the normal business hours & holidays while you continue your work peacefully.

In all our support, there is a process that we follow and insights we offer that help clients understand their company in a more meaningful way.

Tally Services

we provide Tally support throughout the year for business continuity. Support provided by our service engineers who are well-versed in Tally and know the product well.

Enhance your Tally.ERP 9 Product with new Invoice design, Voucher Formats, Adding new data fields, MIS Reports, Processes, Security and develop new functionalities.

We provide Tally support through Onsite or telephone, email support, chat support, Instant Remote Support (using remote desktop sharing Softwares like Team Vier,Any Desk,Zoom , Etc)

Decide on architecture Type: Centralized / Decentralized/hybrid, we will set it up for your Multi-Location Organization. Sync Data on periodically or directly enter data into Central Tally Server.

Tally's iterative implementation enables you to kick-start operations with just the basic structure and expands and fine-tune it along the way.Structural changes, process enhancements and more

We provide Corporate training programs ideally designed for various team members of the organization of various departments like Accounts, Purchase, Sales, Tax Departments, Etc..


Your Partner for Software Innovation

Logica Matrix is the partner of choice for many of the world’s leading enterprises, SMEs and technology challengers. We help businesses elevate their value through custom software development, product design, QA and consultancy services.